Sunday, February 27, 2011

Birthday Wishes and Caviar Dreams?

to my sister-in-law!! She is 23 today!  So in celebrating her birthday, she chose for the family to get together for a brunch at Cracker Barrel.  Great food-packed house. Glad we all got to be together on her day :) 
I asked her earlier in the month what she was thinking of for her birthday cake or what her favorite cake was.. she immediately responded with::
 Marble cake.  
 Ummm ...Marble? 
 Plain Marble? 
 No fun flavors or amazing fillings ..just marble?
  No. Next choice? haha 
  She said she loves Ice cream cake!-Great!  But am I up for the challange?  I have never made an ice cream cake before, so I did my research and I know she likes for fruity flavors, not such a heavy chocolatey sweet flavor so I came up with...

BANANA SPLIT ICE CREAM CAKE!  (ooooooh, aaaaah)

Now, how amazing does that look!?!

How did I make/ build this cake?
Here ya go::

So, she loved it, I loved it, that's all that matters right?
Happy Birthday Bri!!

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